Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Things To Know 7/13/11

Hey there! So I know some of what I'm covering here was mentioned in my post last night - sorry about that. I'll try and keep those bits brief.

First off, as I mentioned in my story post yesterday, my brother's 16th birthday is this weekend! I'm not entirely sure how much, if at all, this will really affect anything here on the blog because I found out he has a baseball tournament out of town this weekend that I won't be attending. But if something does come up I'll be sure to give you guys a heads up.

As far as the weeks to come, I'm hoping *fingers crossed* to be able to continue my pace of posting stories to the archive every other day or so. Right now, I have five stories that are converted, uploaded, and ready to go plus two or three that should be done soon. So while I may not be posting three stories at a time - I will be posting!

We have a couple new authors that have given their okay to convert their stories! International08 and Peachy-x-. So be on the lookout for their stories.

I've made a few changes to the Title Archive. You can now skip to each letter using the alphabet links at the top of the page. While it's not entirely useful right now, since only a few stories are posted, once I get a few more stories up it should be much more helpful! So go check that out.

I think that about covers it! If you guys have any questions, or even some suggestions for the blog, let me know!


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