Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hey all! Just a quick update on what's going on here on the blog in the next couple weeks.

A few changes to the blog recently - the Miscellaneous page has been updated! A new music video and a link to the F*ckYeahCastleVideos Tumblr have been added. I've also updated the Places to See gadget, on the right side of the blog, with links to both the F*ckYeahCastleVideos Tumblr as well as sometimesitseasiertolie's Tumblr - where you can find some great Castle eBook cover art (which I use for the eBooks archived here!) as well as some fic recommendations!

As far as the posting schedule for the next couple weeks - it's gonna be chezchuckles all the time! Expect the first four companion pieces to Dash Away tomorrow (4/23) and Thursday (4/26). Dash It All is slated to go up on Saturday (4/28). The final three companion pieces of the Dash series will be posted the following Monday (4/30) and Thursday (5/3). And on Saturday (5/5) I'll be posting the Dash Collection! So lot's to look forward to in the coming weeks.

Finally, due to my finals this week and the large number of stories I have set to go in the next couple weeks, I will not be updating the Title and Author archives until after I've posted the Dash Collection. I will have those two pages updated as soon as it is up though, as well as the Summaries page.

That about covers it. Until next time guys!


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