Thursday, October 20, 2011

Things to Know

Hello all! Hope everyone is enjoying Season 4 so far! And I apologize, between school and applying for my Med Tech program, I've been somewhat remiss in keeping up with this site. Hopefully things will start slowing down now that we're between midterms and finals. At least until late November!

Anyway, just a few notes I wanted to share with you guys. First off, I've recently added a Collaborations page! It's dedicated solely to stories authored by two people, and while I only have one story up at the moment, I do have another one waiting to be posted, so check that out sometime in the future!

Second, if you haven't checked out the polls on the right side of the page, I've been looking into interest in Crossover stories. As I'm writing this, only Castle/CHUCK crossovers have been brought to my attention. If there are anymore out there please let me know! I'll probably wait on creating the page until the poll closes, though.

Next on the agenda concerns the Miscellaneous page. While I've unfortunately been a bit too busy lately, I am still planning on doing a bit of digging for Castle/Beckett music videos. If you know of any videos that you'd like to see links for on this page, please let me know! Even if you just want to leave a link to it in the comments, that would be awesome.

And finally, as always, if you know of any fics you'd like to see converted, please let me know! I'm always looking for something new to convert! :-)

Until next time!


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