Hey guys! Long time no see. Unfortunately, I don't have any good news for you. After a few weeks of tweaking formatting and playing with a new program, I think I'm going to have to break down and buy Microsoft Office for my new laptop before I can get anything up again. So, that means it will be a while before I can get anything new up.
However! I did go back and fix the broken links for the PDF formats of airbefore's "rarely pure and never simple" and blue252's "break of day". So if you need those, they're up!
Finally, I've removed all of the work of a certain Castle author from the site, at their request. Due to personal reason, she asked that I remove her stories and delete them. As of this morning, they are permanently deleted. Hopefully, things get sorted out so we can welcome her back to the fanfic community. Until then, there will not be anything by them, posted here.
I think that covers everything! Once again, I'm truly sorry for the delay.
Until next time!